I am a blogger now?
The Practical Kids Christmas Gift Guide
Don't know what to get your kids for Christmas? Let us help! We created a guide full of practical and useful ideas for your littles!
How I survived traveling with both my kids alone....
Hello! I am writing this at 10:30pm at night so sometimes spell check doesn’t work well for me. So please ignore any grammar errors.. I majored in Business Management not...
Miscarriage does not discriminate.
I thought this blog would be more about products but instead I find myself writing things that just come off my heart. Yes, it sounds a little woo woo but...
The start of a blog.. or maybe just a way for me to chat about the REAL stuff.
Well welcome aboard! I can't believe I just said that. I actually don't think this is a boat, but if it is, it is probably sinking because why not add...
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